Sunday 9 October 2011

An occasional walk - Mount Pleasant

At Floriade last week, I picked up a brochure on Canberra Nature Parks.  Did you know that there are 33 separate reserves around Canberra that are designated special grassland or woodland areas?  Living in (or near) Canberra gives us all easy access to these green areas - in fact I'll bet there's one at your own back door that you may even take very much for granted. 

I happen to think that we are very lucky living in (or near) the bush capital.  I've lived in this region for a lot of years now and I've spent lots of time bushwalking in Namadgi, but there is a lot of bushland closer to home that I haven't really explored. 

So with my new map for reference and individual maps readily available, I have decided that Lily and I will visit and explore all those parks that will allow dogs - and many do. I'm pretty sure that Lily misses her mate Ralph as much as I do, so long walks in new areas are just the thing for us both.

This week we had a wander around Mount Pleasant. 
Years ago, when I worked at Russell, I sometimes took a lunch time walk or jog around Mount Pleasant, but never did I stop to listen to the birdlife or notice the imperfections in the gum leaves.
 Or the heart-shaped bark, not yet sloughed off the tree.
Indulge me while I introduce you to my neighbourhood, occasionally.

1 comment:

Hashi said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing!