Friday 20 March 2009


Others are doing it. I thought I would too. Just use the Great G search engine to do it for your name too. It's pretty funny.

Unfortunately, Nettie’s story is not a unique one.

Unfortunately, Nettie fails to mention that Jaunty's Deadside incarnation is that of a snake with a skull for a head donning a tophat ...

Unfortunately, Nettie was sold when my trainer thought I should move to a medium pony.

Unfortunately, Nettie as a narrator does not allow the voices of these women to speak through her.

Unfortunately, Nettie soon discovered the joy of men and left the young stable hand for a life of frivolity and debauchery.

Unfortunately Nettie did not realise the necessity of keeping this stunning news a secret.

1 comment:

Hashi said...

Ah yes, that life of frivolity and debauchery you lead, now you've ditched the young stable hand ....