Monday 28 July 2008

One FO and one WIP

This bit of unrecognisable nothingness is my lovely new brown scarf. Quick and simple still counts for a Finished Object. It does. What else was I to do, when I bought myself some fabulous brown boots for winter (hmph, they didn't have them in black) but I didn't have anything to match? Almost my entire work wardrobe is black, with maybe some purple. So, a-stash-diving I went, and surfaced with this fabulously soft and squishy Debbie Bliss cashmerino astrakhan. Yes, it's boucle, and I'm not normally a fan, but I bought this at the Shearing Shed moving sale an age ago, for a ridiculously low price, and I knitted it last week into a so, so simple garter stitch scarf. And I love it.

And this...? It's a not very good colour representation of the beginnings of my first Pi shawl. Made in the ultimate of beautiful yarns - Blue Sky Alpacas Melange 100% baby alpaca, bought in a little yarn shopping expedition in New York last year. I love this knitting. It is SO addictive.

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