Thursday, 24 July 2008

Pay it forward

Way back when, I signed up for Pay It Forward with Bells. At the time, I didn't have a blog, so I couldn't pay it forward myself. Then, when I did make a blog, I was so sure that noone was reading it anyway, that I didn't want to embarrass myself by asking for players, and risking getting no responses. But the weeks and months are moving on and I am well aware of my responsibilities in signing up to play.

I am still pretty sure that my darling family are the only ones who read this blog, and I'm going to plunge in regardless. Sometime in the twelve months from when I signed on, Bells has undertaken to send me something handmade. And now it's my turn. I will send something handmade to the first three people who offer to keep on playing. If it's my sister, or brother, or niece, or a darling daughter or even ma minette, great. If someone else is reading me now and will take on the challenge of paying it forward, great, too. And you know, you can even do this if you're blogless. Just promise me you'll pay it forward by doing something lovely for someone, and asking them to pay it forward too.

Leave a comment if you want to play.


Bells said...

But I haven't made you anything yet! I have been feeling very bad, even though my 12 months aren't up yet. I've just not settled on the right thing.

Thanks for the prompt though. I will do it! I want to do it right.

Hashi said...

I'll play!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I found your blog through the apron swap. If you tell me what I need to do I will play.

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

If you are looking for people only in Australia thats fine too.I am in Alaska.

nettie said...

OK, Hashi and're in! Anyone else?

Rhonda said...

Me! I'll play too. I treasure everything you have ever made for me and I will enjoy thinking up something cool to make for other people. Rhonda